Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Jay and Gracee's horse Christmas

Lisa and Taylor, here are the girls on Christmas morning with their "horse outfits". I just got these pictures from my sister cause my camera isn't working. I'll send a picture of them on the horse as soon as my camera gets the right cord. I can't wait for some warmer weather so the girls can spend more time outside with the horse and so you guys can come up for the weekend to teach us the ropes!:) We love you. Hope your Christmas and New Years were great.


Shaina and Cody said...

They look so cute!!! You have "real" cowgirls Ashlee!!!LOL Love you guys and hope you have a great week....

Fielding Family said...

How fun....these pictures are so cute. It makes us miss you guys!
Love, Megan and Andrea